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/ Scene 96 / Scene 96 International Edition (Zyklop Software) (Disc 2) (1997).iso / music / devotion / housediz / dvt!rec.nfo < prev    next >
Text File  |  1997-02-09  |  14KB  |  178 lines

  1. ²""'.,affa,. ²"`"²""""²$$$$²""""²$$²""²$$²""""²$²""""²'  `"²$Ii;:::Ii::"
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  19. $²"²      $²"²s$$$$ $²"²s$$$$ $²"²s$$$$ $²"²      $²"²s$$$$ $²"²s$$$$         ;
  20.           !     `"$                               ,                           i
  21.           :       `                               i                          ,$
  22.   ,sS$÷,. i .     .    ...  .  . .  .  . . .  .,÷i$i÷,.. .  .. . . .  .,÷:siI²'
  23.  ,$²"'   ($;                                   `"²$²"'                  `"²$Ss
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  25.  ! ----*%(iNTRODUCTiON)%*--  -   - -   - -  - --- ' ---   -  -   -  - -- ---- !
  26.  ;                                                                            ;
  27.  . DEVOTiON  Records is the music label of Devotion Productions, it is very   .
  28.  . new so we don't have much composers yet (Aurora & Cannon) but they rule!
  29.  ; So  we  need  you, yes you to join us as composer and bring us your best   .
  30.  i quality  techno tracks. If you are interested just contact synoptic. You   :
  31.  | won't regret it... Btw: WELCOME TO ANGEL OF DEATH! New swedish composer!   ;
  32.  s,                                                                     .   .,i
  33.  `is,- *%(sTAFF)%*-- - - -   -  - -   - -  - ---   ---   -  -   -  - -_.is%S$$'
  34.  i²'                                                                  "²$$²`:!i
  35.  !   Handle        Age            Country            Job                `²;.`;$
  36.  ;- -------- -  - ----- -- -  -- -------------  -- -------------- --  -   `i,:$
  37.  .   Synoptic       16            Switzerland        Founder/President     `$i$
  38.  .   iCEMAN         18            Switzerland        Courier/Coordinator    `$$
  39.  .   Radio 24       24            Switzerland        Courier                 `!
  40.  ;   Speed Freak    17            Belgium            Courier                  :
  41.  s,                                                                     .   .,i
  42.  `is,- *%(cOMPOSERS)%*-- -   -  - -   - -  - ---   ---   -  -   -  - -_.is%S$$'
  43.  i²'                                                                  "²$$²`:!i
  44.  !   Handle        Age            Country            Music Style        `²;.`;$
  45.  ;- -------- -  - ----- -- -  -- -------------  -- -------------- --  -   `i,:$
  46.  .   Aurora         21            Germany            Acid/Rave/Trance      `$i$
  47.  .   Cannon         19            Switzerland        Rave/Techno            `$$
  48.  ;   Angel of Death 17            Sweden             Trance/House            `!
  49.  i                                                                            :
  50.  s,                                                                     .   .,i
  51.  `is,- *%(hEADQUARTERS)%*--- --    - -  - -  - --  ---   -  -   -  - -_.is%S$$'
  52.  i²'                                                                  "²$$²`:!i
  53.  ! Board Name            Status         Phone Number     Nodes   SysOp   ²;.`;$
  54.  ;.------------------ - ---------- -- - --------------- --- -  -------- - `i,:$
  55.  : The UnderWorld BBS    World HQ       ++41-22-9600621  3      Synoptic   `$i$
  56.  :                                      ++41-22-9600622                     `$$
  57.  ;                                      ++41-22-9600623                      `!
  58.  i- - -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- -       :
  59.  $ Genesis BBS           European HQ    ++32-22-453498   10     Darkness      .
  60.  $                                      ++32-22-481420                        ,
  61.  $- - -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- -       ,
  62.  $ SL1210                Holland HQ     ++31-43-4083796  1      Ch:ilm        ,
  63.  $ The Asylum            Belgium HQ     ++32-59-324094   3      Trash         ,
  64.  $                                      ++32-59-333335                        ;
  65.  $ Sacred Grounds        Courier HQ     ++32-11-273000   1      Speed Freak   ;
  66.  $ Ace BBS               French HQ      ++33-1-45887548  8      Gandalf       ;
  67.  $Ss,                                   ++33-1-45887799                       ;
  68.  $²".                                   ++33-1-45888809                       i
  69.  $                                      ++33-1-53809034                       i
  70.  $ Ravebase              Swiss HQ       ++41-22-3485521  1      Maverick      I
  71.  $ Spacebar              Norwegian HQ   ++47-64-933499   2      Hybris        I
  72.  $                                      ++47-64-937034                        I
  73.  $ Shelter Base          German HQ      ++49-81-4134445  3      Blade         I
  74.  $                                      ++49-81-4134436                       I
  75.  $ Tha Avatar Board      Brazilian HQ   ++55-21-6162791  1      Minotaur    ,s$
  76.  $ The Garage BBS        Australian HQ  ++61-7-38885949  1      Nitro   _.,sS$$
  77.  $ IceZone               Finish HQ      +358-9-3952315   1      Phobia   `²':`$
  78.  $ Mater Pound           Croatian HQ    +385-1-215132    1      Mater   ,s,::.$
  79.  .                                                                    ,m$$i,;:$
  80.   - - -*%(sITES)%*-- -- -- - -    -- ---- ---- ------------------- -- - `s$$i;$
  81.  .                                                                      -!²"$i$
  82.    We currently don't take any distribution sites, so don't apply as     ²  `$$
  83.  ; distro site, only headquarters are accepted for the moment!               `$
  84.  i Btw: We are still looking for headquarters in countries where we don't     !
  85.  $ have any HQ's.                                                             :
  86.  $%s,                                                                        ,$
  87.  $$$$%s,                                                                _.,s%S$
  88.  $$²""²$²" "   "     "                                        "   " " "²$²""²$$
  89.  $'    '                                                                !    `!
  90.  `s, - *%(dVT RECORDS ON THE NET)%*-- - -  - ---   ---   -  -   -  - -  ---,s²'
  91.  s'                                                                        `²s,
  92.  $ HomePage..: http://sdc.wtm.tudelft.nl/devotion                             $
  93.  !                                                                            $
  94.  ; FTP Site..: ftp://sdc.wtm.tudelft.nl/pub/music/DEVOTION   [FTP World  HQ]  !
  95.  .             ftp://ftp.fh-rosenheim.de/pub/local/devotion  [FTP German HQ]  ;
  96.  :                                                                            :
  97.  , E-Mail....: dvt_rec@poboxes.com                                            .
  98.  i
  99.  $b,                                                                          .
  100.  `"²Ss,*%(diSCLAiMER - COPYRiGHT LiCENSE)%*- ---   ---   -  -   -  - -  ---
  101.  ,sS²'                                                                        ,
  102.  $ This material is not freeware. You are allowed to copy it without          ;
  103.  $ restrictions for non-commercial use.                                       i
  104.  !                                                                          ,s$
  105.  , No payment of any kind may be charged for this product or any combinatin `"!
  106.    of products or services including this product without Devotion authoriation
  107.  . and official written license.                                              ,
  108.  ;                                                                            ;
  109.  i Commercial use, especially the industrial manufacturing on any data        i
  110.  $ storage media and their distribution without the expressed permission of  ,$
  111.  $ Devotion, is strictly prohibited.                                        ,$:
  112.  $*∙                                                                      ,s$:,
  113.  ! These files may not be altered or modified without the                 `"²i,
  114.  ; permission of Devotion.                                                    $
  115.  i,                                                                           !
  116.  $$%s,                                 (The Devotion Staff)                   ;
  117.  $²""²                                                                        ,
  118.  $                                                                           ,$
  119.  $%,- -*%(hOW TO JOiN dEVOTiON RECORDS)%*-- -  -   -   --  -    ---  -  -  -,S$
  120.  $'                                                                          `$
  121.  ! If you want to join Devotion you have 3 ways to do it :                    $
  122.  ;                                                                            !
  123.    By Modem............: The UnderWorld BBS (Devotion WHQ) ++41-22-9600621    :
  124.  ,                                                                            ,
  125.    By InterNet E-Mail..: dvt_rec@poboxes.com                                  ,
  126.                                                                               :
  127.  , By Snail Mail.......: Devotion Records                                     i
  128.  i                       9, chemin du Ruisseau                                $
  129.  $,                      1295 Tannay                                        ,%$
  130.  $$²"                    Switzerland                                   ,  ,i$;'
  131.  !'                                                                        `"$i
  132.  ; Just tell us who you are, what you would like to do for us, and so on...  `$
  133.  . And we will contact you back as soon as possible!                          !
  134.  i Thank you for your interest...                                             ;
  135.  $s,                                                                          i
  136.  `"²$%s, .  .                                                              ,i$$
  137.  ,s$²'*%(dEVOTiON GREETiNGS)%*-- --  -  -- -  -   -   --  -    ---  -  -  -,²,!
  138.  ;$'                                                                       !,::
  139.  $'Devotion would like to greet the following groups (in no special order):;:;;
  140.  !                                                                         `"$;
  141.  ; NoooN, Pulse, The Coexistence, Future Crew, Zuul Design, Imphobia,        `$
  142.  , Legend Design, Hyperopia, Camorra, E-Nergetic, RealTech, N-Factor,         $
  143.    Hard  Behaviour  Excitation, Fake That, Radical Rythms, Blacktron,         $
  144.    Brutal PPE Coders, Nonsense, Explizit, Aegis, Masque, The Natives,         $
  145.  i Cubic  Team, Acid, Kosmic Free Music Foundation, Reality, Antares,       ,%$
  146.  $ Complex, Nemesis, Ice, Massive, Orange, Keen  Like  Frogs, Iguana,     ,S$$$
  147.  $ Valhalla , Anarchy , Triloxy , Purge , Flower Corp, Cascada, Punc,    $²""²$
  148.  ! Symptom , Pain , Phat, Surprise!Productions, Extreme Terror Corps,    !    !
  149.  ; Nostalgia , Xtatic , Jamm, Electromotive Force, Plant, Resistance,    ;    ;
  150.  , Blank , Impact Studios , Deus, Distorsion, Image, Arkham, Success,    ,    ,
  151.    Destiny , Acme , Fatal Justice , Yodel , Xography, Void, Capacala,         ;
  152.  , Jff , Majic 12, Eclipse, Gollum, Heretics, Sau, Hemoroids, Epical,    ,    i
  153.    Pure , Tib , Dust, Triton, Logic Design, Sonic PC, Shock, Illicit,        ,$
  154.  ; Morbid Minds , Bonzai , Xtacy , Troopers , Traxx, Pure Resistance,       i$:
  155.  i Coma , Halcyon , Advanced Rythms Technologies, Fobia Design, CNCD,      ,$::
  156.  $ Sanction  ,  Crux  , Tiny Toons , Substance , Tpolm , Kloon , NDS,      `$:!
  157.  $ DesirE, SkyJump Team, Mono, and all other great active Crews!            `"$
  158.  $,                                                                           !
  159.  $$Ss,- --*%(dEVOTiON RECORDS RELEASES)%*-- -  -  --- -  -   ---- - -  -  - . ;
  160.  $$²"'                                                                       ,i
  161.  $ FileName      Size     Date       Title                        Composer  ,$$
  162.  ! ------------ ------ -- -------- - -------------------------  ------------ `$
  163.  ; DVT-CNL1.ZIP  522kb    28/09/96   Love Song Number 1           Cannon      !
  164.  , DVTR-002.ZIP  238kb    06/10/96   Kiss Da Beat                 Cannon      ;
  165.  ; DVTR-003.ZIP  434kb    04/01/97   Cosmic Orgasm                Aurora      ,
  166.  ; DVTR-004.ZIP  200kb    06/01/97   Paradox                      Aurora      ,
  167.  ; DVTR-005.ZIP  144kb    14/01/97   Acid Vibes                   AOD         ,
  168.  ; DVTR-006.ZIP  535kb    20/01/97   See The Stars                Cannon      ,
  169.  ; DVTR-007.ZIP  397kb    09/02/97   House makes me dizzy         AOD         ,
  170.  i                                                                            i
  171.  $s,                                                                         ,$
  172.  `"²÷,___ _   _       _                                 _   __  ___  ____,sS²"'
  173.  ,sS²'                                                                   `"²+s,
  174.  $    ,*%(nFO DONE BY mANIAK OF dEVOTiON - 09/02/97 - rEST iN tRANCE!)%*,     $
  175.  I    `+, _          _          _          _          _          _    ,+'   ,s'
  176.  `s,  _.÷"²"÷._  _.÷"²"÷._  _.÷"²"÷._  _.÷"²"÷._  _.÷"²"÷._  _.÷"²"÷._  _.÷s'
  177.    "+s²'     `²÷s²'     `²÷s²'     `²÷s²'     `²÷s²'     `²÷s²'     `²÷s²'